Friday 6 November 2015


Haven't posted in a long time. So, here, have some maps.
These three are "interactive" maps.

P7 @2711946

P1 @5854893

And the prettier ones

@5854271 River Tam

@5854271 TARDIS

@5853859 Serenity

Sunday 1 March 2015

Create Fonts For The Text Tool

Now you can create your own fonts by following this guide:
<C><P/><Z><S /><D /><O /><L><VL n="Horizontal"l="-1"/><JD P1="-1000,260"P2="1800,260"c="000001,1,1,0"/><JD P1="-1000,100"P2="1800,100"c="000002,1,1,0"/><VL n="vertical"l="-1"/><JD P1="318,-499"P2="318,901"c="000003,1,1,0"/><JD P1="522,-484"P2="522,916"c="000004,1,1,0"/><VL n="Font"l="-1"/><L /></L></Z></C>

  • You will draw each charcter here.
  • DO NOT move lines under "Horizontal" layer
  • After you finish drawing a single character move the lines under layer "vertical" to ends of the character. Leave some distance at the right side so letters won't touch eachother.
  • Note: All new lines should be in layer "Font"
    Some examples of correct drawings:

  • Now, generate XML code in "Recommended" settings
  • Enter the character you just draw in the "Character" field. (You are still limited with ASCII)
  • Note: It's case-sensitive
  • Copy-Paste the XML code you generated in the pink step.
  • Hit "Submit"
  • Copy the code in the "Font" box and keep it somewhere safe.
  • Leave this page open to add more characters.

    You just added a character to your new font. Jump back to the green step and repeat with the characters you want to add.
    If everthing went OK that means you just created your own font. Post it in the forum thread with a screenshot, so other people can use it.
    To use your or other's font, copy-paste it to the "font" box in the Text Tool. 
    Note: DO NOT use Bezier curve in Viprin's editor

    Forum Thread

    Monday 23 February 2015

    Create text in Transformice maps

    If you ever tried to put text in your maps, you know it's time-consuming and takes too many grounds. I made a tool that allows everyone to easily write on maps. Now you can create texts with JD objects which means It won't take any of your precious grounds. I hope you enjoy it.

    Sunday 22 February 2015

    Ongoing project: Text tool for map editor

    I'm currently working one a project that will allow everyone to write on maps. This tool will simply create the text you type out of JD objects. And it will generate an xml code compatible with Viprin's drawing editor. The core is almost done, with a simple web form, it'll be ready to use soon.

    Hello world!

    This is the Ulwy mouse (a.k.a Ulwythird). And I'll be posting some stuff here(hopefully).